Life is a choice I choose to be Rich

Just very few people just wake up one day and become rich unless you are born in rich family and you inherited wealth that was built by your forebear. Becoming rich is a choice that you single-handedly make.

For some of us, becoming rich is a journey, but for the lucky few who found themselves rich overnight, it is no longer a dream come true, but a happening reality. A very high percentage of lottery winners along the line fall back into debt, even with the millions of money they win. The thing is, becoming rich is a conscious choice you make, it is one thing to have money, and another to nurture it. If you do not have the proper mindset about money, it’s all going to slip away from you. There is a big margin between the rich 1% and 99% everyone else.

The rich create business, work for themselves, save and invest their money, thereby creating freedom, opportunity, and happiness in their lives. To become rich, you have to spend prudently, the rich did not become rich by spending their money extravagantly. Most of them live just a comfortable, happy, and normal life just like you and I.

The rich know how to create a passive income where their money work hard for them. People like to talk about earning passive income without telling you the work that was done to establish the vessel or avenue that generate passive income for them. To become rich, you need to establish a business that create value to others, you need to solve problem to the world, you need to be a good in sales and marketing your business, skills, and good leader.

The rich invest their money in assets that generate passive income for themselves. Earning passive income gives the rich opportunity to spend time with their families and loved one. Earning passive income gives the rich opportunity to help others through their charity work. Earning passive income gives the rich time to travel and go on holidays to different parts of the world. Being rich can give you the freedom to pursue your passions.

The rich have faith to visualise and believe in their attainment of their desire. If you recall in “think and grow rich”, Mr Barnes had a thought to become a business partner of Edison and he presented himself at Edison’s laboratory where he was given a job as cleaner. Mr Barnes already made up that he came to be a business partner he stayed until the opportunity came in different direction than he expected. To be rich you need to have the zeal, desire, persistence that mow down every obstacle, risk and hindrance. If you choose to be rich you need to see the world in angle of abundance and positivity.

Learn to make your dreams for your family a reality by following simple rules when it comes to money and learn the importance of a good foundation.

The rich know how to read and fill out a financial statement.  The rich understand true income and expense. They are the master of their feet and their soul; they choose a definite goal and placed his or her energy and willpower and effort into achieving that goal. What you focus, expands and being rich boosts self-confidence. Once you are determined, you will attract energy to use and cooperation of others.

Poverty and rich are the offspring of thought, and there are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. So, if say you make choice to be rich, it would accomplish one way or the other as far as law of nature is concern. Once you identify your goal, you need to follow the flight path to reach that destination.  

Rich creates generational wealth and think about long term perspective in the business endeavours. Remember reading a word of what you want will not get you anywhere unless you mixed that word with emotion or feeling. Our inner mind recognises and act only on thoughts that have well mixed with emotions or feelings. Life is a game of height, rich bring you to high places, bring growth in your business. You cannot be below those you are transacting with, so try to learn from people ahead of you and people you admire.

Make that courageous decision to be rich take the necessary action, some of it could be minute to see but compounding effect will bring it to a full force to be reckoned with, be flexible and adjust as you go along to achieve your success.

Responses (3)

  1. I totally agree to this. Being rich, getting rich and maintaining wealth is a task– time, energy, and calculated risk must be invested

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