Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean

Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean
Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean

Plastic pollution has become a global concern in the world today. It has however become a pressing environmental issue; it is a material that we use daily and for almost everything. Plastic pollution is highly harmful to wildlife and to humans, it’s distributed widely across our oceans due to its durability properties. The impact of this pollution gets worse because of unending floating of plastics and its flexibility in nature. The health of world’s oceans has been seriously compromised and already deteriorating coupled with the gradual acidification of oceans from burning of fossil fuel on land (Andrady & Andrady, 2015). Initially plastics were mainly used for long-lasting items. Nowadays, a growing portion of plastic is used for single-use purposes (Emmerik & Schwarz, 2019)

The annual plastic consumption has now reached over 320 million tonnes with more plastic produced in the last decade than ever (Plastic Europe, 2016). Oceans and large water bodies are mostly affected from plastic pollutions, the aquatic animals living in the oceans suffer from this digestive physiology for consumption of plastic materials which they mistakenly feed on due to the fact it is mixed with their foods. It is indigestible and causes blockage which can have a dramatic consequence and thereby leading to gas build up, which can prevent them from diving and thus leading to starvation (Ryan, 2016). A small amount of this plastics may only get to be recycled while a huge number will probably be carelessly discarded into landfills or littered around in the environments.

Over the years, some human activities have led to some severe pollution in the ocean. Marine debris composed of plastics is one of the pollution problems affecting our oceans inland waterways (Sheavly & Register 2007). These plastics affects our marine ecosystems, it affects our environment and communities. According to Weis (2014) marine ecosystems are very important for the health of both marine and terrestrial environments, for this to be a success, ocean dumping needs to be highly discouraged. Ocean dumping refers to transporting materials in a barge and physically dumping them in the ocean (Weis, 2014). Dumping still occurs illegally around the world. However, the movement to ban ocean dumping gained more momentum in the United States when some waste and some unsavoury items were found at public beaches, things like syringe, tampons applicator (Weis, 2014).

Plastic pollution in the marine ecosystem has become an environmental risk, as it impacts so negatively on the ecology, as well as endangering our aquatic species thereby causing a health damage on both humans and wildlife. In other to understand in depth the impact plastics have in the oceans, a survey was carried out to examine the use, disposal, and knowledge about single-use plastics in our households. Although there is not enough data readily available to ascertain the exact amount of damage this plastic waste pollution has caused in our oceans. Seabirds however may be one of the most vulnerable species to plastic ingestion, because they hardly regurgitate undigested hard material, including plastics (LI et al, 2016). This is due to ingestion of tiny particles of plastic debris, though more extensive research needs to be done in other to know the level of damage this plastic waste has caused in the oceans.

Plastic has impacted so much in human health, through the effects of raw material extraction, to the chemicals from food packaging and the mismanagement of waste from the companies that produce these plastics. All around the world, plastic waste has gone on to block rivers and the drainage systems, causing flooding and trapping stagnant water which can increase the spread of virus and diseases. Plastic takes hundreds of years to degrade, even then, it does not fully decompose and remains in the ocean and in our environment in a microplastic form. This poses a significant threat to human health and that of the marine animals in our oceans.

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The aim of this research is to understand the impacts plastics have in the ocean and how this can be controlled with good plastic management and all the support and combined efforts it requires to tackle this. There are 8 million tons of plastics entering the ocean each year (Science, 2017). If we must put an end to ocean plastic pollution, companies and the governments around the world need to create a good reform plastic system that won’t cause the plastics to be a waste in the first place by creating more awareness about the effects in our society. However, some companies seem to have adopted a good habit towards plastic, like Unilever have made a promise that by year 2025, all their packaging will be fully reusable, recyclable, or compostable (Science, 2017). Scotland ban on single-use plastics takes effect from June 2022(BBC, 2021). According to the Circular Economy minister, “This is a fight against plastic waste and throwaway culture as the action is needed in order to deliver on the commitments that are being made at Cop26” (BBC, 2021)

The impact of plastics in our oceans cannot be overemphasized. Microplastics are now so pervasive in the ocean and are consumed by a vast number of sea creatures (BBC, 2017). Moreso, careless disposal of these hazardous element has plunged our environment into a deep problem that we are yet to find a lasting solution. If a plastic is not disposed properly it may look like a tasty jelly fish to an indiscriminate feeder like the sea turtle which can mistake such as its food (European Environment Agency). It is estimated that 56% of the planet whales and dolphins have consumed plastics because plastics at some point fragments into smaller pieces, which some of these cannot be easily seen with the naked eye (European Environment Agency, 2015).

Moreso, plastics are non-biodegradable and are very light weight which makes it easier for them to move from one place to another either by air or water waves.

Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean
Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean

What is plastic?

Plastic is a synthetic material made from hydrocarbons that can be moulded in solid objects of almost all shapes and sizes (Emmerik & Schwarz, 2019). Varieties of petrochemicals are obtained that serve as a basis for plastics. Plastics include polyethylene and polypropylene, these are synthesized from olefins, while other plastics are synthesized from aromatic hydrocarbons, such as polystyrene and polyamide (Emmerik & Schwarz, 2019). Plastics are synthesized as spherical pellets or nurdles typically about 0.5-5mm in size. (Emmerik & Schwarz, 2019). The World Bank Group 2021 Market Study for the Philippines revealed that $80 billion to $120 billion worth of plastic packaging is lost from the global economy each year due to lack of recycling (Business Mirror, 2021). Ocean plastic is a global issue which affects both humans and wildlife. According to Sheavly & Register (2007).

There are so many impacts of plastics in the oceans,

Human Health and Safety Impact – Humans are greatly impacted negatively by ocean plastic pollution. In other words, when the marine animals consume these toxic materials which breaks down in their body system. When humans eat the seafood, we are also consuming these toxins. Recently, study by scientists showed that babies fed formula milk in plastic bottles were swallowing millions of particles a day (Guardian, 2021). Also, beach goers can easily be harmed from broken glass, medical waste, discarded syringes which enters the waterways through direct sewage outflows. These items being present in the waters shows that the water will be so contaminated with harmful bacteria and viruses. Having bodily contact or consumption of such water can cause skin disease, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis, and cholera.

Wildlife Impact- marine animals like dolphins, sea turtle can get entangled in fishing nets, ropes and other plastics which pose as a threat to this wildlife which can in turn cause them to drown or strangle them due to the entanglement (Sheavly & Register, 2007). Plastics can cause suffocation on the wildlife, it can inflict wounds and cut on them thereby affecting their mobility. According to US Marine Mammal Association, 136 marine species have been reported in entanglement incidents, six sea turtles, 51 species of seabird and 32 species of marine mammals (Sheavly & Register, 2007) Governments around the world have a great role to play as more awareness needs to be created by working with the media to reach a wider audience. Also, putting some regulations in place on careless disposal of plastics.

Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean
Effects Of Plastic Pollution In The Ocean


This survey was created using google forms and responses were received via emails and the file links with the questionnaire comprising of 11 questions which assessed people’s knowledge about plastic waste and recycling. Qualitative method was used in this study, in which 29 responses were received. This survey showed statistical representation of how well-informed people are about plastics. The questionnaire was sent out to different individuals in different households to provide more detailed information about plastic generation and their disposals and to know the extent of their knowledge on the impact the plastics have in the oceans. The result suggest that more awareness needs to be created on the usage and correct disposal of plastics as they always end up in the oceans.

Result and Data Analysis





The Findings which were narrowed down to individuals in different households. In Fig 1, It was discovered through the survey that 16.1% have no idea of the impact the plastics have in our oceans while 22.6% know about the ocean plastic pollution but don’t know the impact it has on humans and wildlife. The remaining 61.3% have good knowledge about ocean plastic pollution and its impacts. Fig 2 shows that a total of 71% agree for the government to put a law in place, that whoever breaks the law gets fined, while 12.9% somewhat agree and 9.7% disagree on this law being enforced. Fig 3 indicates that 17.2% use more than 10 plastic bags per week, 20.7% use 7-10 plastic bags per week, 10.3% use 4-6 plastic bags per week, while 34.5% use 1-3 bags per week. Fig 4 shows a total of 75.8% disagree that ocean waste pollution should not only be left to the government to tackle rather it should be a joint effort as we all have a role to play. While 10.3% agree that only government should tackle ocean waste pollution.

Discussion and Conclusion

This research aimed to understand the impact of plastic in the oceans and highlight more on how much awareness that has been created on plastics. As plastic has become a global issue, which needs a global solution with government initiatives, policies, and reforms.

However, the issue of ocean plastic pollution must be solved on all fronts including the media, all the supply chain has a role to play from the producer, the retailer, and the consumers. Producers and manufacturers who distribute low-cost already made food and single-use products to the general masses need to take the responsibilities of these outcomes and follow government guidelines. Greater number of plastic wastes ends up in the ocean each year, if this is not controlled from the main source where it is produced, if producers don’t join in this sustainability development by starting to produce a degradable, environmentally friendly products, and a good circular plastic system to save our oceans from this menace, our marine ecosystem will continue to be filled with plastic waste and that will have great negative impacts on the human health and the sea creatures.


Ocean plastic pollution keeps increasing daily, if nothing is done to save our ocean which is where most of the plastics end up in if not properly disposed and recycled. However, there is still hope of change if few of the below mentioned strategies can be put in place.

Having a plastic-to-plastic chemical recycling, reducing the production of plastics to bare minimum, having a more frequent bin collection, ensuring that production facilities where these plastics are produced don’t allow any form of plastic leak out, substituting paper and a more degradable materials for plastics. Although this study has some limitations as more people needs to be included in the survey to get a broader result as only 29 people responded to my survey and for this to be achieved, more time and resources will be needed.

PDP Summary

My personal development plan has helped me to bridge the gap between where I am now and where I am aiming to be all through the course of my study and afterwards. This will help me identify every area of my life that requires improvement, in other words my strength and weakness. This PDP has helped me have a clearer vision of how far away I am in achieving these goals I have set out for myself. Although it is one thing to have a goal plan and it is another thing actualizing this goal. In other to see that I actualize this goal and make sure this plan works efficiently, I have had to put few things down that will help me. Pursuing a degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, there are few skills one must possess, skills like: Good programming skills, being a critical thinker, strong mathematical skills, must be familiar with all the programming languages, teamwork. One need to be a good team player, as we can work as a team or as an individual both all through the course of our study here in the university and after graduation in the workplace. Also, constant reading and practice will help me in achieving this goal. I have developed a good habit of always reading up what was taught in class and also making some practice with W3 school on Python programming.

Managing my time is one area that needs improvement as I tend to procrastinate, this I have identified as my weakness. I have however turned this to my strength by making notes on sticky papers and having it all put up on the wall in my study with each having a reminder of what needs to be done and with a deadline. I have become a good team player as we were made to work in a group during the session and I am looking forward to more teamwork as I progress in my course of study. Being able to finish my university course work before deadlines is one great strength I possess.

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