For quite a few numbers of people, the desire to make money online would be a dream come true. They could quit their job to focus solely on entrepreneurship, spend more time with their loved ones due to the freedom of being your own boss. The thing is making money online is not that easy, it needs patience and perseverance. I have been doing it for years on my YouTube Channel and online store. I have quite a large number of friends who earn massively online, they either run online courses on Youtube, Facebook or they have their own website.
I am going to be quite honest with you, most online revenue strategies are not so complicated as many people think. Just like every other business venture, it takes time to gain its balance, as it can be slow when you first start out, it takes time to grow. You need dedication and consistency; you need to give it your all. Find below the few ways you can make money online.
- Provide service by creating value to others this is the main way to make money online, if you have any skill or niche, you are good at or wants to talk about you could upload that content online for people to subscribe as premium contents. You could join freelance platform like Upwork if you are a web designer or web developer and advertise your skill where people can request your service on hourly basis or fixed term contract to do online work for people.
- Google Ad: When you visit some websites, you must have noticed some google ads pop ups, these ads are literally everywhere. They are easy to set up on any basic website and can be quite lucrative once the website starts having the steady amount of traffic it requires. If already you have a blog or website, you can just sign up for a google Ad account. Google will provide you with a unique code that you will add on your website. Google will take it from there by tracking the views, traffic, and earnings on your behalf. A good example is YouTube channel, to join google partnership programme, you need to meet a certain threshold of a thousand subscribers and 4000 thousand watch hours and create original content to be able to monetize your channel to start making money online. This does not come straight away as it took me over a year to meet these requirements. So, it is important to stay focused and determined to keep going and have faith that it will turn out fine.
- Affiliate Marketing: With affiliate marketing, you can partner with brands and businesses, by promoting them within the contents of your blog website or your online platform. All you have to do is mention or talk to your follower about the product or service, you link to that product or service using the unique affiliate code you were given when you signed up for that affiliation. So, when people visit your website and see the link of that product, they click on it and purchase the product or service, you will get your commission once the person buys through your link. It is advisable to partner with brands that deal on what is related to your blog concept and what you are passionate about. If your platform focuses on technology, go for brands affiliation that are into technology, like gadgets, home appliances etc. This can be lucrative depends on the number of sales derived from your link.
- Online Courses: Another great way to make money online is through consulting. If you are skilled in any field, you would find people who would be very much willing to pay for your services. You could potentially find people who would want you to counsel them on their personal or business venture. You might be underestimating yourself on those that can pay for your services, but you will be shocked at the types of expertise people will pay for. Sharing your knowledge with the world and at same time earning income through it. You can also set up online courses you can market online, you can teach anything ranging from cooking to products marketing or a freelance writing.
- Podcasting: a lot of people listening to podcast while driving to work or to an appointment and this trend is growing as it was reported that up to 90million people listen to podcast every month. Podcast give people who for one reason to the other unable to do a video to teach others, recording your podcast is an alternative to video. You could run ads on your podcast and people could download your podcast which would generate income to you.
- Ecommerce store or sell your stuff. You could open a store online or your own website. Example Vinneltech store is an online ecommerce store where we sell various technology products we use and products we highly recommend. You can source goods or articles from various countries and resell these products to your followers. Likewise, you could open a store on AMAZON.CO.UK, FACEBOOK MARKET PLACE, EBAY AND SHOPIFY to sell your products to millions of people. There is possibility to make a good amount of money from your online business, but you need to have patience, skill and perseverance required to make it a success.
- Day trade: You could trade financial products for example buy foreign currency, stocks and resell this online. You could also invest in stock market and resell these products online with profit without having a physical store and run this business online your mobile phone app or computer. All you need is to do your research and due diligence before you start online exchange trade or day trade. Bearing in mind your investment may be at risk which is the reason to carry out proper research to minimize the risk involve.
- Digital art collection, online survey or sell photo online for example you could sell your photo at Shutterstock which is one of the leading stock photography websites for selling photo online. This platform has paid out over a billion dollars to its community in the past and can get your photo seen by millions of people.
- Create a book, computer software and sell online (E book), Myself I have an eBook on Igbo language on Amazon Kindle I wrote many years ago and I still receive income whenever someone purchases this book online. A lot of successful people have written a book about their lives, how they achieve success or even lessons they learnt from a failed business venture. If you think of it the beauty of writing a book or having an online intellectual material is that it’s your property and would still be here in existence after you are gone. This is how to create a generational wealth and passive income. I thought to share these few avenues, tools, or strategies with you to give you an insight, hacks and perhaps to encourage you to change your mindset of working 9-5 job till thy kingdom come, so thinking outside the box what you can do to generate your income online which will give you more freedom and time to spend with your family and relatives without worrying about money.
Content creators too are cashing out great. It is something a lot of people should look into