How Many Programming Languages Are There?

How Many Programming Languages Are There?
How Many Programming Languages Are There?

Have been receiving a lot of emails regarding programming languages and to briefly throw some light on how many programming languages are there. As a Data Scientist and a Machine learning Engineer, I can categorically tell you that there are so many programming languages out there, but I am going to elaborate on the top 9 programming languages used by many.

What is a programming language?

Programming language is simply any set of rules that typically converts strings, data types, and elements to various kinds of machine output. It is a computer language that is used in the programming of computers to implement algorithms. There are quite a few numbers of computer programming, but I am going to discuss the few top ones, the ones that are mostly used lately.

1. Python

Python was invented by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1991, a Dutch programmer. This is one of the most popular languages in programming today, it is most suitable for beginners, and those that are new to programming. This is due to the fact it is user-friendly and a free open-source programming language. Python is used in the development of 2D and 3D imaging and animation respectively. Python is used in a wide range of applications like Artificial intelligence, financial services, and social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are all built on python. As of July 2021, there were 19,000 python jobs and the annual salary was $120,000

 2. Python Datatypes

In programming, data type is a very important concept, as variables store Data of different types, and different types can do different things. Below are data types in python.

  1. Text……string
  2. Boolean……bool
  3. Numeric…. integer, float, complex
  4. Sequence…. list, tuple, range
  5. Set…. set, frozen set
  6. Mapping…. dictionary
  7. Binary…. bytes, byte array, memory view.

There are many sectors you can work on using python programming, sectors like:

    1. Artificial Intelligence
    2. Machine Learning
    3. Web development
    4. Cryptography
    5. Data structures
    6. Games
    7. Data science
    8. GUI Based desktop Application
    9. Business Applications
    10. Computer vision

3. Java

This is simply a scripting language in programming that is exceptionally used in creating and controlling website content. In other words, it is like a tool that helps refresh, update or change your screen without any human effort or requiring you to manually update the page, JavaScript performs this action on its own automatically.

JavaScript Features.

With the help of JavaScript, the following can be done:

  1. Animated graphics
  2. Autocomplete text suggestions (E.g. our phone keyboard word suggestions)
  3. Photo slideshows
  4. Interactive forms.

I am going to give you a simplified example of what JavaScript is. Let’s look at this way, think about when you go on social media platforms or on a search engine like Google. When you are on your Facebook timeline, your screen keeps bringing out random posts and random “people you may know” and when you are reading up something on google, based on the few letters you have started to type, you will see so many suggestions popping up on your screen, that’s JavaScript in action mode. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in building interactive websites, this language is used to code pop-up ads, mobile application development. JavaScript was invented in 1995 by Brendan Eich, an American programmer. As of July 2021, the annual salary of JavaScript programmer was $111,000.

4. Java

This programming language is widely used for development of client-server applications and are used by large business around the world. For one to use Java, you need to pay a licensing fee to a software company Oracle which owns Java before you can use Java development kit. Java was invented by James Gosling in 1995. Java is extensively used in Android mobile phone operating system. The annual salary for a java programmer as of 2021 was $102,0004

5. C++

This is a general-purpose programming language. It was invented in 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist. This language is usually used in creating computer programs, mathematical simulations, graphics, computer games and Apps that use lots of calculations. to name a few. The annual salary for C++ programmers as of July 2021 was $97,000.

6. C#

This programming language was designed by Anders Hejlsberg and developed by Mads Torgersen; both are members of Microsoft. It was developed by Microsoft for a faster and more secure variant of C family. C has so many programming variants like C#, C++ and C. C# is well integrated with software framework, which supports the development of applications for Windows, browser plug-ins and mobile devices. The annual salary of a C# programmer is $98,000 as of July 2021.

7. PHP

This Hypertext Pre-processor is a programming language that is widely used by web developers to create a dynamic content that interacts with the database. This language is also used to code a running content-oriented websites like Facebook and WordPress. PHP was invented in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf a Danish-Canadian programmer. The annual salary of a PHP programmer as of July 2021 was $90,000

8. Ruby

This language is an object-oriented computer programming language invented in 1993 by a Japanese programmer Yukihiro  Matsumoto. It is a general-purpose programming language, and it’s an open source and available on the web but subject to a license.

9. Swift

This is a multipurpose programming language developed by Apple inc in 2014. This was specifically created for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS, it is for mac computers and all Apple’s mobile devices like iPad, iPhone, and Apple watch. As of 2021. As a new programming language, it can only work on newer versions of IOS 7. Swift programmers’ annual salary was $93,000.

10. GO

This is a statically typed programming language invented by Google, although this programming language has not gained enough widespread use and momentum outside Silicon Valley because it does not include a library for graphical user interface which is common that end-users interact with any device that has a screen. It is primarily used for Apps that needs processing of a lot of data. Companies like Netflix and Uber use Go for running of their Apps.

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