Mixture is a substance that contain separate elements or compound that are not bound together. Because there two components in our mixture we use two techniques to separate them decanting and evaporation/boiling method.


  1. Eye protection
  2. Beaker (250mls)
  3. Glass stirring rod
  4. Filter funnel
  5. Filter paper
  6. Conical Flask (250mls)
  7. Evaporating basin
  8. Bunsen burner
  9. Heat resistant mat
  10. Tripod
  11. Gauze
  12. Weighing scale.


Tare one of the evaporating basin on weighing balance and record the value, then used the weighing scale to measure 5gms of Sodium chloride and 5mgs of sand then pour the substance together into the beaker to give you the total of 10gms of mixture, then add about 40mls of water or add water until the beaker is about one- fifth full. Stir the mixture gently for a few minutes, then warm the mixture and filter the mixture into a conical flask as it is better to leave a small amount of solution in the sand than to get the sand in the evaporating dish, pour the contents into an evaporating basin and heat gently to evaporate the water.


I witnessed as the content was heating it started to spit out this is the reason why it is important to put on the eye goggle during the whole time of the experiment for health and safety. (Sand sio2) +salt (NACL Sodium chloride) =salt and sand +water


Also it is important to avoid allowing the liquid in the dish boil and spill over, continue heating the dish until the liquid has been boiled away, the solid in the dish and watch glass are complete dry. The dish   was carefully removed from the wire gauze and allows it to cool down, and then the evaporating dish with watch glass cover and the solid was weigh

CONCLUSION    This was a physical change as I can still see salt and sand particles, salt disappears when water was added, filtration leave sand on filter paper, while as evaporation of water leave salt in evaporating dish, both salt and sand can be recovered unchanged.


Sodium chloride (salt) is used to replace low levels of sodium in the body and to wash out wounds and remove foreign bodies from eyes. It is also used to mix with other medicines before they are given to patients. Sodium chloride in water is known as saline solution.

It is a type of electrolyte, sometimes known as a salt.

Sodium chloride in water (saline solution) is used to wash out wounds and eyes, especially if there is a foreign body, such as grit, in them. It is also used to make up drug solutions. Sodium chloride injection is used to replace sodium that has been lost from the body. Sodium chloride tablets are used for the treatment and prevention of a lack of sodium chloride in the body (sodium chloride deficiency).

In general, this drug is used as a wash for the eyes and wounds, to make up drugs in solution and to replace lost sodium chloride in the body.

Benefits of being on this drug can include replacement of sodium chloride in the body and sterile removal of foreign material from eyes and wound

As a wash for removing foreign bodies from eyes and irrigating wounds

Treatment and prevention of a lack of sodium chloride in the body

For making up drugs in solution

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