As the day goes by, we all want another source of income apart from our weekly or monthly payments to be able to solve life financial challenges. One of the surest way of getting this type of income and what we can do is to work our daily work for instance is to engage in online business. Today I want us to discuss on how to start a successful online business, I will be giving you 10 steps to follow to achieve this great success. Follow me on this article to get the points. Before we start I want us to take a look on to the idea and understand what online business is all about.
What is online business.?
Online business is about understanding the problem you are going to solve using on medium. Me for instance, am an online entrepreneur. An example of my online platform is the Vinneltech store, which is an online platform where we sell products.
To create an online business, you need to basically find a purpose, find what you are passionate about, what problem you are going to solve for others.
There’s so many things you need to think about before you start an online business. You need to think about the:
- Aim?
- Purpose?
- What problem are you going to solve?
- The demand and supply?
- How to source this product?
- How to supply it?.
- How to send it to the consumers? And
- Which platform are you going to use to market this product?

This are the few among the things you need to think about before starting an online business.
Online entrepreneurship requires one to be patient. So as I said earlier, I will be giving you ten (10) tips to start a successful online business.
1. Create good business strategy:
What problem are you going to solve? Where do you want to situate this product? All this are creating of good business strategies Also, you need to think about which area you want to supply this, are you going to supply this abroad or locally? So basically, you need to first of all create a good business strategy where you’re going to market your business. And also you need to take note of the demand or supply, where you want to source this product from which country and stuff like that. So, there’s so many things you need to think about.
2. Choose online business model that suit your interests, skills, and passion:
It is good for you to have a business mindset and have the business in mind. You need to understand that business is a risky endeavour. So, you need to have a passion to be into it for long. Time to grow, is something that is mandated for you to give your business. It is not something you rush into and rush out, or after staying for 6 months, and don’t see returns, then you close it. But it’s something that requires a lot of time. All this are what you must bear in mind as well.
3. Identify your market targets:
You need to also identify your market targets, which are the people you want to go sell the products to, the value the consumers will derive from the product you are selling, you also need to understand unfair advantage, the competitive advantage you got, you need to understand the business you’re starting, How long is going to last, is it seasonal kind of business or something you just want to do within six months, or something that will be there in perpetuity. Understanding the flexibility aspect of your business is also a pre-requisite to obtaining a perfect online business. So, you need to be versatile in your business too.
4. Find a problem to solve:
An entrepreneur is somebody that solves a problem and charge for it. So, if you are starting a business, you need to identify the particular problem you’re going to solve for the consumers. That the benefit the consumers are going to get from the business you want to embark on. And making sure to put customers first. Because ultimately the consumers are your main target. Recently, Jeff Bezos thanked all his customers on Amazon, this is to show you that the customers are the best people you need to focus on. So, you have to make sure, you are solving the customer problem. That is why on Vinneltech store, we have got lots of product, such as USB cable, Scan drive, earpiece, and printers. These are stuff some of our customers are asking about. And we can supply both within UK and abroad.
5. Analyze the competition/ advantages:
One need to understand the competitive advantage you have within your business, are you going to sell this business online, and physical store? You need to analyze this factor well, to archive to your goals.
6. Cover your legal bases, licence, permits, and tax obligations:
you need to think about the Legal aspect of the business you are into, whether you need a permit to start the business. For instance, in UK, if you want to go into online business as a professional doctor, psychologist, or registered nurse, or lawyer solicitor, you need to have a license to practice. So you need to think about the particular business. Also, you need to pay business tax on your business. So you also need to understand the Legal aspect of it. You just have to make sure you have the legal permit to start your business. If you’re doing a broadcasting business, you need to register to the necessary platforms, or organization before you start your business. These are the things you need to understand.
7. Select your source strategy:
Where to source your products from is very important. You need to know the exact country to source your products from to be able to supply the product. You need to also have it in mind weather to put this business on your name or use an already made business someone has started, which is to be an affiliate marketer or drop shipper. These are things you need to think about also to get started.
8. Set up your payment platform:
You need to set up a payment plan. What platform are you going to use to receive payments, this are what you should also think about when preparing to start an online business. Examples of some of the online payment platforms are:
- PayPal
- Shopify
But bear in mind that these platforms are not free to use.
You can also use Amazon website to sell on Amazon or eBay.
9. Build your sales platform:
For you to be an entrepreneur, you need to own a website, where customers can easily access you or the product they desire. Some of the online platforms used are:
- Shopify,
- WordPress
You can do these all on them, but it is advisable to have a blog, that is having your business sales platform on a blog.
10. Choose a marketing method:
Choosing a marketing strategy is knowing which platform are you going to market your business? These days online platform requires you to market your business easily. You can do Facebook advertisements, to show a lot of people your business. You can also do this pin interest. You can also do this via YouTube ad.
So, these are the step by step one need to do to achieve higher goal if you want to do online business. But also, you need to understand that business, needs one to be patient. Business is not something that you just start thinking that everything will be good straight away. You must prepare yourself well, that is why it is good to start a business you have passion on.
Business is about taking calculated risk, it’s not what you get all you desire every time. You need have it in mind that’s there’s going to be a gain and losses at all times.
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Bottom line:
Online business is very lucrative, but before going into it, you need to first make research on what problem are you solving, your main target, what will the customers derive from the products you are offering and so on.
And lastly, you need to think about the necessary funds required, are you taking a loan not. This are what to think about to get the perfect type of business you aim at.
And finally, we have come to the end of this great opportunity not to joke with. If you enjoyed this piece of article, do well to subscribe, comment and like.